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The Grove Estate


Phone (765) 436-0825
Address 3413 S Wallick Rd,
Peru, IN 46970 United States


The Grove Estate provides comprehensive care for those struggling with substance abuse in the tranquil surroundings of Peru, IN. As a dedicated addiction treatment center, our facility offers a myriad of programs tailored to aid recovery from dependency—spanning from initial drug detox to alcohol rehab to long-term aftercare services. Understanding that addiction affects each individual differently, we deliver personalized treatments like residential rehab interwoven with dual diagnosis and holistic therapies designed to nurture mind-body harmony. Key offerings such as rehab for professionals reflect our nuanced understanding of the unique challenges faced by working adults undergoing rehabilitation. Our approach includes both individual counseling and group counseling sessions that cultivate community support vital in overcoming addiction trials. Meanwhile, family integration initiatives actively involve relatives in our clients' rehabilitation processes reinforcing familial bonds essential for lasting recovery success at this Peru drug rehab haven.

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